
Press Release

Prof. Jie Huang of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has been elected Fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) for his ‘contributions in teaching and research on nonlinear control theory and design, and its applications to flight control and guidance, electro-mechanical [...]

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has appointed Dr. Cheung Nim-kwan, Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited (ASTRI), as Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Engineering effective 1 April 2009. His affiliation with CUHK will foster stronger R&D collaboration between CUHK and ASTRI. Being a [...]

  The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) will present a number of technological projects at the coming International ICT Expo 2009 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from 13 to 16 April. Two projects to be displayed for the first time are the ‘Vascular Intervention Simulation System’ for training doctors in vascular and [...]

Professor Jack Lee Yiu Bun of the Department of Information Engineering, CUHK won the IT Research Award from the HKCS Outstanding IT Achiever Awards 2008. This award proved Professor Lee’s achievement and significant experience in IT research. Professor Jack Lee received his B.Eng and Ph.D in Information Engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in [...]

香港中文大學(中大)工程學院創新科技中心每年均與業界合作,為校內升讀最後修業年的工程學系學生提供為期一年的實習計劃。今年香港雖然受到金融海嘯的衝擊,但僱主提供的實習職位平均月薪仍有七千元,反映本港僱主仍然願意以合理薪酬聘請人材。 今年參與中大創新科技中心實習計劃的公司,截至現時為止共有64間,雖然比去年的總數95間為少,但實習職位的平均月薪仍有七千元,只比去年的七千九百元略為下調,而最高薪的更有九千元。中心主任兼中大工程學院外務副院長黃錦輝教授表示:「大部分參與實習計劃的公司已經與中心合作了兩、三年。在金融海嘯影響下,他們仍然願意以平均七千元聘請還未畢業的中大學生,可見僱主依然以合理薪酬聘請優秀的人材。現時不少公司都希望透過開發資訊科技系統達至開源節流的目的,所以修讀工程學科的學生不用過分擔心。」其中一名中大電子工程學系二年級生,已率先被一間電子產品公司以月薪七千元聘請為工程師見習生,將於今年六月開始為期一年的實習。 黃錦輝教授表示,參與的同學在選擇實習崗位時,除了考慮薪酬之外,亦會著重實習崗位能否提供學習機會。「去年有學生同時被兩間公司聘請,但考慮到薪酬較低的那個崗位有較多學習機會,最後就放棄了薪酬較高的那一份工作。」黃錦輝教授呼籲今年的準大學畢業生別失去信心,選擇工作時別忽略學習機會,在艱難的日子要努力裝備自己。

香港中文大學(中大)機械與自動化工程學系的博士生劉璐,在去年底修畢博士學位後即獲東京大學垂青,聘任為信息科學與科技研究院的助理教授,並將於今年四月正式上任。 根據譽滿學界的《泰晤士報高等教育特刊》2008年全球頂尖大學排行榜「科技」組別的評分,日本東京大學工程學院排名第九,全亞洲則排名第一。能夠獲聘於蜚聲國際的東京大學工程學院,劉璐認為除了個人的努力和學術成績外,更重要是因為得到老師的悉心栽培和具備國際視野。「我原本對工程學並不是特別熱愛,但來到中大之後,我的指導老師黃捷教授卻大大擴闊了我的眼界;加上中大為研究生提供很多參加國際學術會議的機會,得以吸收最新的資訊和技術,並與世界級學者交流砥礪,令我對研究工作愈感興趣,亦因而有所進步。」 More

Both the “Non-contact Electro-cardiogram Monitoring Bedsheet” and “Health-shirt” designed by the Joint Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) received the Best Lifestyle Gold Award (Home Life and Healthy Living) from the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2008 today (9 February). These two low-cost and user-friendly devices, developed by a [...]

Prof. Liu Yun-hui and Prof. Tang Xiao-ou of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) have been elected Fellows of the prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for their extraordinary accomplishments in “robotic multi-fingered grasping and adaptive visual servo systems” and “pattern recognition and video processing” respectively. This year, 302 scholars were elected [...]

現代人工作緊張,生活繁忙,部分人甚至長期處於健康與疾病之間的一種臨界狀態,稱之為亞健康狀態。處於這種狀態下的人雖然沒有發病,但身體或器官已經潛藏危害健康的因素。要及早發現這些因素,以預防疾病惡化,定期的身體檢查非常重要。但目前的身體檢查模式繁複漫長,而且費用不菲,往往令人對身體檢查望而卻步,亦難以滿足現代人對健康的需求。 由香港中文大學(中大)電子工程學系生物醫學工程聯合研究中心張元亭教授帶領的科研小組,最近成功研發了一張「多生理參數遙測椅」,使用者無需在身上放置任何電極或導線,都可以即時檢測出多達十個生理參數的測量結果,包括心率、心率變化率、收縮壓、舒張壓、血壓變化率、脈搏傳輸時間、呼吸率、心輸出量、血管硬度指數,以及血管感壓反應靈敏度,實現全面的一站式自動身體檢查。 More

Environmental protection is now a major global trend. Hong Kong people are increasingly concerned about the issue. Apart from air pollution, the public is also concerned about noise pollution, ocean pollution and light pollution. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) will display two technology projects for environmental protection at the coming Inno Design Tech [...]