Date: 22 Jan., 2014 (Wednesday)
Time: 6:30 – 9:30 pm
Venue: Mong Man Wai Bldg LT1


各位 Final Year同學,

「第11屆搵工秘訣就業講座」- 非理論、非一般格式、由老闆角度出發的實戰經驗分享!!

1)    如何提升你見工的機會率達3倍?
2)    邊一個月份搵工最易?
3)    如何提升你的起薪點多10%?

在社會工作這一步即將起跑! 你想贏在起跑線嗎?

為了協助同學找到理想工作,訊息工程學系校友會將會舉行「第11屆搵工秘訣就業講座」邀請本會創會會長關德仁先生(Brian) 分享譔寫履歷表和面試的多年秘訣,教授非一般的格式及要點,去年參加的300位同學,超過七成已於5月初找到理想工作,成績斐然!

關德仁先生二千年畢業於中文大學訊息工程,過往13年,曾為所屬公司面見超過500名求職者,審閱求職信超過1,000份,對公司招聘人手的要 求和面試者的成功與失敗原因有豐富實戰經驗,而且,從二零零四開始直至現在,Brian 已是第11年於中大傳授搵工秘訣,協助超過300同學修改求職信,這些同學獲得的面試機會因此提升超過三倍。


地點:MMW LT1


“I appreciate such interactive activities very much, which allow us no way to deny our own weaknesses”
“The talk is fantastic! You did provide with the audience important hints that I have never been told and even not ever can imagine.”
“The talk was interesting at all time. I did not realize the time has passed so fast until it really came to an end at 9:00 pm. You are very attractive during the talk.”
“The problem-solve oriented style of your presentation is amazing and interesting. ”
“starting from the introduction in the mass mail, it already attracts a lot of audience. Still, it came as a surprise how you were able to capture the attention of the audience from the very beginning, because I expected it to be an ordinary boring talk”
“I think you did an excellent job in presenting yourself to the audience– confident, full of energy, yet still humble.”
“I think it is really helpful in correcting some of my misconception about resume-writing and interview”
“what impressed me most is how to pretend to be an experienced employee”
“your talk is different, you told us a lot of practical advice on the resume writing and the interview”


協辦單位: 香港中文大學創新科技中心


Tel: 3943 8222 / 3943 8221