
The ACM Programming Team from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) came in eighth and was awarded a silver medal in the 36th Annual World Finals of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) held in Warsaw, Poland. This is the best result achieved by an institution from Hong Kong in the last 20 years. The team comprised three undergraduate students: Law Wai -hon and Hon Man-hin, both majoring in computer science, and Yuen Chak-fai, majoring in quantitative finance.

Established in 1970, the ACM-ICPC is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious programming contest in the world. It is a multi-tiered competition with local, national and regional contests leading to the world finals. The competition attracts the best and brightest students in computing disciplines from around the world every year. It fosters creativity, teamwork, and innovation in building new software programs, and enables students to test their ability to perform under pressure. This year, over 25,000 contestants from over 2,200 universities from 85 countries took part in the competition, of whom 112 teams were selected to compete in the World Finals. The CUHK team won eighth place and was awarded a silver medal in the finals, defeating teams from MIT, Stanford, CMU, Peking, Princeton, Moscow State, St Petersburg State, Tsinghua, Tokyo, and Taiwan Universities. It was just one place behind Harvard.

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