



Date: 12 Oct., 2012 (Fri)
Time: 2:30pm – 4:00 pm
Venue: L1, University Science Center (SC L1)




Hong Kong Universities Career Talk and Written Test:
Walk in allowed for the talk with showing your Student ID and by first-come-first served-basis.


Location: Mountain View (USA) or Beijing/Shanghai (China)

Calling all final year Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD students (graduating in 2013) in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or related technical fields!

Are you ready to Google your future?

Simply put, Google engineers make computers do amazing things. Populated by extraordinarily creative, motivated, and talented people, our Engineering teams get excited about developing new applications that really make a difference and are used by millions of people.

If you seek to tackle such challenges as building a highly scalable computing infrastructure, novel storage systems, innovative user experiences, or the next big application that will change the world…Join our career talk and written test!

Want to know more?  Here’s the job description:

Sounds great! How do I participate? Submit this form

( if you are interested to meet us. Bring your hard copy resume and photo ID to the written test.  Closing Date for RSVP: Oct 5, 2012.

Company overview:
Google is not a conventional company, and we don’t intend to become one. True, we share attributes with the world’s most successful organizations – a focus on innovation and smart business practices comes to mind – but even as we continue to grow, we’re committed to retaining a small-company feel. At Google, we know that every employee has something important to say, and that every employee is integral to our success. We provide individually-tailored compensation packages that can be comprised of competitive salary, bonus, and equity components, along with the opportunity to earn further financial bonuses and rewards.

Googlers thrive in small, focused teams and high-energy environments, believe in the ability of technology to change the world, and are as passionate about their lives as they are about their work.

Tel: 3943 8222 / 3943 8221