Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards


  1. All CUHK full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students (with or without part-time academic or research duties) may submit entries. Full-time research staff is not eligible.
    1. Individual or Group Entries
      1. Individual Entries – The candidate will be an individual student who is doing not less than 60% of the subject work. He or she will be the principal candidate. Optionally, a principal candidate may be supported by one collaborator who is also a student.
      2. Group Entries – The candidate is a team consisting of 3 members or more.
    2. Undergraduate or Postgraduate collaborations

      Undergraduate and postgraduate students may collaborate in a project. However, the type of Entry in which the project will be adjudicated depends on the highest academic qualification among the students. Any project collaborated by a postgraduate student will be deemed a postgraduate entry.

  2. Entries submitted will be classified either as an Individual or a Group project according to the conditions mentioned in clause 1 above.
  3. Every entry must be supervised and/or endorsed by a faculty member of CUHK.
  4. The following projects will NOT be considered for entry:
    1. Any projects which have been awarded with prizes in international or national competitions.
    2. Any research projects which have been published in full in a journal. However, this limitation does not apply to conference abstracts.