Recruitment Talk and Industrial Sharing

In January, second term just started, a recruitment talk was held. Also, Prof. C.H. Cheng, Deputy Director of CINTEC, invited Hong Kong Science and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation to give a sharing session in ENGG2601 class to all Year 2 students. Mr. Wilson Chan, Manager introduced the incubation programme provided by HKSTP. CUHK Engineering graduates, Mr. Eric Ng, Founder & CEO of Red Soldier Limited, and Mr. Martin Tsang, Co-Founder of Shining Cloud shared their entrepreneurship experience.



CUHK Technology Forum: Artificial Intelligence over Humans?

CINTEC has held a technology forum titled ‘Artificial Intelligence (AI) Over Humans?’ to explore the possibilities and development trends of AI on 18 January 2018 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre which attracted over 500 guests.

More information can be found on www.erg.cuhk.edu.hk/erg/node/1468 and www.cintec.cuhk.edu.hk/seminars/?p=6616. To share with you the insightful speeches by our professors and other professional speakers, please visit www.facebook.com/cuhkengg for video of the 4-hour event.

CUHK Technology Forum: Artificial Intelligence over Humans

The 10th Lecture Series by Academicians from the Chinese Academy of Engineers

Organized by Office of Academic Links (China), the captioned lecture series was held in January 2018. With the support of Faculty of Engineering, Prof. K.F. Wong invited Academician Prof. LI Deyi, Division of Information and Electronic Engineering to visit CUHK and present a public lecture on 23-26 January 2018. CINTEC coordinated the public lecture with OALC, and arranged lab visits, meetings with Faculty teachers for Prof. Li.



Invited Talk in Guangzhou

Prof. K.F. Wong, Director of CINTEC, was invited by Guangzhou Association for Science and Technology to be the keynote speaker of Guangzhou Popular Science Forum on 7 December 2017. Prof. Wong delivered a 1.5 hour talk about entrepreneurship in China and Hong Kong.

Global Tech Summit – The Revolution of Artificial Intelligence

As invited by Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Prof. K.F. Wong served as the Panel Chair of Global Tech Summit on 8 December 2017. The forum containing two sessions aimed to examine how artificial intelligence reshapes the world and revolutionises the business landscape. Speakers included representatives from Microsoft Research Asia, Google Cloud, IBM, UBTECH, HK Airport Authority and Codex Genetics.

Deliver a talk in Secondary Schools

To actively promote STEM education, Faculty of Engineering organizes talks in secondary schools for students. Prof. K.F. Wong represented the Faculty to present a talk “STEM behind the BAT” in Po Leung Kuk C. W. Chu College, Mu Kuang English School and Po Leung Kuk Ma Kam Ming College in January 2018.

Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics 2017/18 Award Presentation Ceremony

The Hong Kong Olympiad Informatics (HKOI) is an annual software programming competition for secondary students in Hong Kong, emphasizing on problem solving techniques and programming skills. Faculty of Engineering, CUHK is the co-organizer of the event. Prof. K.F. Wong presented awards to winners of the competition in the ceremony on 26 January 2018. HKOI has trained many computer talents for Hong Kong and many of them become outstanding IT professionals in international companies such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, etc.

Google STEM and Computing Science Conference 2018

Prof. K.F. Wong represented Faculty of Engineering to attend the captioned conference on 28-30 January 2018. The conference aimed to promote the sharing and collaborative learning between educators and professionals in STEM. Prof. Wong presented a keynote speech themed ‘Turning Innovation into Products’ at the conference. After the conference, Prof. Wong visited the exhibition organized by Science Centre Singapore to learn more about the STEM ecosystem in Singapore.



Winter Camp 2017

ITSC organized a winter camp for members during 27-29 December 2017 themed ‘VR/AR/Unity’. More than 30 participants joined this 3-day event and experienced different activities, such as ice-breaking games, Unity workshop, sharing by Mr. Erwin Lau about VR/AR/MR, sharing by Mr. Joe Wong about applications of VR/AR and lab visits.



Prof. K.F. Wong, Director of CINTEC wrote review or commentary articles for different newspaper:

2017-12-06: “人工智能vs人類智能 機智能過人嗎?”,信報 B10《經營智慧》

2017-12-10: “專利人才供不應求 窒礙創科發展“,星島日報 A11 《來論》

2017-12-18: “經營共享經濟 勿忽略社會公益”,信報 B11《經營智慧》

2017-12-24: “高效深度學習 創意客觀透明度並重“,星島日報 A10 《來論》

2017-12-27: “智慧城市藍圖 靈活執行重管治“,明報 D7 《觀點》

2017-12-28: “香港發展智慧城市不容再拖”,信報 B11《專家之言》

2017-12-29: “燈火代替煙花匯演 既創新亦環保“,星島日報 A14 《來論》

2018-01-06: “港初創嶄露頭角 大有擴展潛能“,星島日報 A14 《來論》

2018-01-10: “AI非點金棒 切忌過分期望”,信報 B12《經營智慧》

2018-01-14: “《預算案》應盡快落實創科政策“,星島日報 A13 《來論》

2018-01-22: “《財政預算案》盡快落實「大灣區」政策”,信報 B10《專家之言》

2018-01-27: “STEM指引欠清晰 窒礙課程設計“,星島日報 A17 《來論》

2018-01-29: “今日AI重機器學習 未來AI推機器自決”,信報 B10《專家之言》




ITSC organized a winter camp for members during 27-29 December 2017 themed ‘VR/AR/Unity’. More than 30 participants joined this 3-day event and experienced different activities, such as ice-breaking games, Unity workshop, sharing by Mr. Erwin Lau about VR/AR/MR, sharing by Mr. Joe Wong about applications of VR/AR and lab visits.