

The 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics will be awarded to Prof. Charles K. Kao, former Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and ‘Father of Fibre Optics’, on 10 December for his groundbreaking achievements in optical fibre communication. Since the founding of the Department of Electronics (now renamed to Department of Electronic Engineering) [...]

Prof. Charlie C.L. Wang of the Mechanical and Automation Engineering Department at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) recently received the 2009 Young Engineer Award, Computer and Information in Engineering Division, from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). This annual award recognizes a promising young investigator, under the age of 35, who is [...]

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the biomedical engineering career field is growing at about 26% per year through 2012, one of the few industries with positive growth at times of global economic recession. The demand for local biomedical engineers is also rapidly rising. In response to this need, The Chinese University of Hong [...]

香港中文大學(中大)將參與由下週一至週六(11月16至21日)假深圳會展中心舉行的中國國際高新技術成果交易會(高交會)。高交會是中國最大規模、最具影響力的科技展覽,中大已是第六年參與這項國際盛事。今年,中大將展出二十項創新科研成果,其中包括以下三項首度公開展出的項目。 單一圖片合成動物動畫系統 標清轉換高清技術 防預子宮頸癌的HPV治療性疫苗 More

香港中文大學(中大)參加假香港科學園舉辦的「創新科技嘉年華2009」,由今日(11月5日)起至11月8日展出七項最新的科研項目及電腦遊戲,提升中小學生對創新科技的興趣。展品包括首次面世的中文流行曲推薦系統DJX。 音樂數碼化徹底改變了市民收聽及選購歌曲的習慣,愈來愈多人喜歡到音樂網站選購並直接下載歌曲,存放於隨身的多媒體播放器上。但這類網站的歌曲儲存量龐大,若沒有歌名或歌手名稱等資料,要選購合乎自己收聽品味的歌曲就得花上大量時間試聽,極為不便。針對這個問題,中大電子工程學系設計了一套能按個別用戶喜好自動推薦歌曲的系統 — DJX,不但方便用家選購歌曲,亦有助音樂網站增加銷量。 More

Chief Executive Mr. Donald Tsang just announced in the new policy address that the Government will actively support the development of innovation and technology by allocating $200 million to launch a cash rebate scheme to encourage more R&D projects conducted by enterprises in partnership with local research institutions. Technologies always play a crucial role in [...]

Mr Lam Chiu-ying, Former Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, lectured at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) today (16 October) on ‘Sustaining What?’. Around eighty CUHK teachers and students attended the lecture, including Professor Peter Yum Tak-shing, Dean of Engineering and Professor Paul Lee Siu-nam, Dean of Social Science. The United Nations addressed [...]

創新科技是香港政府銳意發展的六大產業之一,而人才培育對長遠發展創新科技有著關鍵性的影響。惟現時中學普遍缺乏足夠資源培育科技人才,窒礙具潛質學生的發展。有見及此,香港中文大學(中大)工程學院聯同創新科技署於今年六月成立了「創新科技學生會」(創科會),透過研究實習、科技營會、科技講座及採訪大學科研項目等活動,讓一群對創新科技有濃厚興趣的中學生有機會接觸大學的前沿科研項目,並隨中大的科研人員學習及進行研習。創科會現時有超過七十名會員,皆曾在科技或數理方面的公開比賽中獲獎,或由校長推薦加入。 More

Prof. Liao Wei-Hsin and his PhD student, Mr. Liang Junrui, of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) research on how to transform and collect piezoelectric energy from the living environment into electrical energy. They have successfully designed a circuit for improving the energy harvesting efficiency and won [...]

Prof. Huang Jianwei of the Department of Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) received the IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award 2009 of the prestigious IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), for his strong publication record and active participation in conference activities over the last three years. The presentation ceremony [...]